OCLO Registration Process

All students must complete the LHSC online training modules, as well as all immunization requirements, PRIOR to the start date of their first OCLO.  Students must also ensure that they have completed any requirements for any placements at non-LHSC experiences.

  1. All OCLOs are arranged by students through direct communication with a supervisor. A student managed list of Schulich Faculty who are available for OCLO has been created to assist you with this process.  NOTE: This list is student managed, not maintained by the UME office.  For more information on this list, you may contact your VP Academic Hippocratic Council class representative. 
  2. The student must register the OCLO through the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Hub. Once your form has been submitted you will be able to view your pending OCLOs under the “View OCLO” tab. Once submitted, your OCLO status under the “Approved” tab will show as “Pending.” 
  3. The Undergraduate Medical Education Office must review your OCLO prior to your participation. Please ensure that you allow adequate time (no less than ten [10] working days prior to start date) for our office to review and process your arranged OCLO. 
  4. Please ensure that you have completed the required LHSC online modules as requested at the beginning of Year 1. If you have any trouble with the module, please contact Medical Affairs at 519-685-8500 ext. 44357 or Medical.Affairs@londonhospitals.ca 
  5. In order for an OCLO to be approved, you must: 
    - Complete all LHSC online modules  
    - Complete the checklist in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Hub * 
    * must be submitted - prior to approval of OCLO
    - Arrange the OCLO outside of scheduled classroom time


Please confirm with your OCLO preceptor that wearing an N95 is NOT Required.  If an N95 is required and you are not fit-tested, you may NOT participate in an OCLO that requires an N95 at this time.

Our Schulich M.D. Students have already met the online training and health requirements and as such, we do not require the students to complete any of the Medical Affairs Observership Appendices. It is important, however, that preceptors be made aware of this policy outline. 

Observerships arranged via student Mentorship Programs cannot be registered in Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Hub, and are not approved OCLO through the Undergraduate Medical Education Office. 

OCLO’s require that learners be up to date on their immunization documentation including influenza and COVID vaccination.  To aid in this, please ensure that you have uploaded your documentation to synergy so we can readily pull a report to provide proof that our learners are in compliance.  

Influenza Documentation Upload Instructions
COVID Documentation Upload Instructions 
If you need helpcontact Synergy

Once the OCLO is approved: 

You must print a copy of the Introductory Letter and the Statement on OCLOs and provide them to your preceptor and Education Coordinator / Medical Affairs if applicable by the beginning of the placement. 

Following the OCLO:

  1. If you find that the number of hours spent in your OCLO differs from what you originally submitted, please be sure to update this in your Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Hub account using “Modify OCLO” tab under “My OCLO”. 
  2. Preceptors who are affiliated with Schulich are able to credit their OCLO hours as teaching hours. The hours are automatically recorded in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Hub. 

 Contact Information:

London campus:  Windsor campus:

Dawn MacDonald


Mike Farquhar (Year One) - mfarquha@uwindsor.ca

Christine Mackie (Year Two) - cmackie@uwindsor.ca